This is a group project for one of my ICS classes in Spring 2018 semester. It was based on an idea that I’ve had since I started college. I think that for some students, especially students who are busy making a living, they are more likely missing lectures and can’t take notes to study. The goal for this app is to help students to share their notes with other students who need. Also, the shared notes can also receive feedback from their peers, which may helps the note takers improve their note taking skills as well as their materials.
So for this project, since we just learned about ReactJS
, so we decided to build this app using ReactJS and Meteor as our front-end. MongoDB as our database engine, and Cloudinary as our images hosting services, and this app is deployed on Heroku, and you can see it lives here. However, you won’t be able to login unless you have an UHID account. Here are some screenshots about the app.
My contribution for this project was to create the API for the notes and courses, make it possible for users to upload and view images, and front-end design. From this project I learned how to work with ReactJS
framework, one of the most popular framework for Javascript, how to create and control components with React, how to handle images upload, and upload image to a hosting service using axios
package from NodeJS.
You can checkout our code on GitHub