
What is UHMSpaceBar?

UHMSpaceBar is an online community app that is developed with the purpose to help students at UH Manoa to find the best Clubs for them to join.


University of Hawaii at Manoa is the largest college in Hawaii. Therefore, it has a big community with variety social groups that we called ‘Clubs.’ Believe it or not, there are over two hundreds clubs and organizations on UHM’s campus. However, it’s very hard for students to get the information about those clubs because they don’t know where to find them. And that’s why they need UHMSpaceBar, a well designed app with friendly user-interface that makes finding clubs never easier.

How does it work?

Every student at UH Manoa has an UH account. They can use it to log in to our system using CAS login. From the main page. They can create a profile to provide basic information about themselves.

For members

If the student, who is using the app, is looking for a club to join. They can go to the search page. From there they can see all the clubs available. They can use filter (interests and/or major) to limit their search.

For admins

If the student, who is using the app, is already a leadership/owner of a club, they can register their club, so their members and other students can join. Admin can also post events, news about the clubs, so their member can catch up.

My contributions


In this projects, we have four team members. Each member has different specific tasks and responsibilities.

My responsibilities are:

What I learned:

In this project, I learned a lot of things that I think are valuable for my career.

P/s: I know our application still needs a lot of improvements, it’s far from perfect, but it’s one of my first big projects, and I’m proud of it :)